Have you ever touched chaos?

The sense that the universe stretches before you to oblivion, realising we are but a feather in a hurricane.

We try to introduce order.

Language, with its finite characters and vocabulary.

Music, with its rhythms and repetition.

But in the end, we’re all trying to make sense of something that cannot be made sense of.

The void is senseless.

We fall so far short of comprehending universal truth.

And when you understand this?




Hope that amongst the swirling chaos, we can cling to what few true pillars we have.

Those we love.

Those we want to protect.

It’s all for them.

For these people we must not only endure, but battle to create structure. We chorale a small corner of chaos and assign to it meaning.

These are our fundamental truths. Our goals.

This is why you work hard.

This is why when you don’t work hard, chaos seeps into the corners of your mind.

Reminding you that you’re here for a reason.

That reason is not to desensitise yourself to the truth.

It’s to battle forth, through the raging torrents of the unknown. With a smile.

For everything you call yours.

And if you don’t?

A slow fragmentation of your reality into nothingness.

A return to the mists of possibility.

What could have been, what might not have been, what should have been beautiful, but never was.

Everything that we know’s there, on a deeper level than what’s humanly explainable.

Reality is at the same time pre-destined and whatever you want it to be.

Life at the same time is meaningless and means everything.

Treasure every second.