A common perspective is that social media hijacks your attention, ruining your focus and ability to work.

The truth is that everything else in the world does the same too.

However, only a few things should actually do so…

What they are varies between people but one thing is universal - fulfilment comes from giving attention to these priorities.

So, how to prioritise in a healthy way?

You need at least a short period of disconnect.

Limit inputs.

This means eliminating social media, communication and connection with others for a while. The purpose of this is to make sure the decisions you make come from within.

During this time alone, you’ll likely find that your mind ruminates on certain things. These are truly important to you and are what you must aim to prioritise in your life

Sometimes it’s not easy to cut out of your life that which doesn’t deserve your attention. You’ll feel a sense that you’re limiting yourself or missing out but when you finally shed commitment to the unnecessary things dragging at your attention, you’re liberated.

Suddenly, you can access the focus and commitment required to dedicate yourself to the things that are worth ‘giving a fuck’ about.

You’ll realise that what you originally thought was important might not be as important as it first seemed. Your desires are often influenced by means outside yourself. There are some examples that I can think of relevant to me:

  • The labels on my clothes and how much I’d spent on them used to matter to me. Now I look for the highest quality I can afford.
  • I used to be on social media because I thought that keeping up with everyone was a good investment of my time. Now I realise that if someone’s important I can ask for their phone number. I deleted Instagram and Snapchat - the best decision I’ve made recently, especially of the former.
  • There used to be many apps in my system that I used to use for my work. Now I use the least complexity I can get away with - a browser, Obsidian for notes and a few others.

I stopped watching the news, stopped listening to people who didn’t care about me and stopped exposure to unnecessary negative energy. I started focusing more on people in my life, my business and my health.

You should do the same, prioritising things that which will elevate your life. Go all in with your fucks on these things. They deserve them.

What you used to think was important will matter no longer. The attention you used to spend on it will be swamped by the commitment you’ll find yourself giving to the things that matter.