Everyone sets goals, especially number-based ones, and there are clear reasons why. Improved motivation, along with the satisfaction of achievement are two such examples.

But there’s one side to these types of goals that are more valuable than both of these benefits put together.

This benefit is the building of skills whilst working towards the goal.

What’s more valuable, reaching an arbitrary number goal, for example posting 10 times per week on X, or building the skills required to post 10 times per week on X?

Most would argue it’s the latter.

This reasoning comes from the idea that we must prepare for the future rather than savour the temporary high of the moment of success.

Don’t get excited about the amount of money you earn, be happy to have proven that you have the skills to repeat the feat as many times as you like.

Number-based goals direct our attention but don’t consider setting them for achievement’s sake. They’re best used to increase motivation towards practising a skill. This skill then gives you the competence to achieve the desired outcome.

So when you next come to setting goals, consider this. Set goals that will teach you skills required to succeed, rather than stoking the toxic addiction to chasing metrics over meaning.