I turned 20 yesterday, which is crazy. I still remember my 10th birthday. That’s half a lifetime ago now.
20 is still young, I know, but there are a few observations that I’ve made throughout this time that I want to share with you today.
They’re not recommendations, not advice. Simply observations. Enjoy…
- You are your own worst enemy, but you have to be, because…
- Very few people actually care about what you do.
- You don’t get lucky unless you’re actively working and looking for opportunities.
- Growing up without a mobile phone until the age of 16 was a blessing (and not a curse as I used to believe). As well as this…
- I became happier when I deleted Instagram and Snapchat.
- Decisions weigh on your mind. Make them early because…
- It’s better to act and fail than to suffer from analysis paralysis and do nothing.
- You can definitely work harder than you do at the moment.
- A better frame to act with is through love for others rather than love for yourself.
- You only have a certain amount of fs to give, hence…
- What you give a f about is very important.
- You can tell a lot about a person from the way they react to constructive criticism.
- People respect you and the time you give more if you have your own things going on.
- Your habits surrounding technology are critical.
- Keeping in mind advice and wisdom from others but acting out your purpose beats projecting the desires of others because of insecurity.
- Don’t rely on external factors for happiness. It’s what’s inside that makes you fulfilled.
- Starting to lift weights might be the best decision I’ve ever made.
- What you say is important, but how you say it is even more so.
- Time spent worrying about the past and the future has a direct and negative correlation with fulfilment.
- It’s always the ‘good old days’.
I’m not a life coach. Feel free to buy into these as much or as little as you want (see observation 15). However, understanding these observations has improved my life to a very great effect.
Every day I am reminded about why I’m so grateful for this chance at life I’ve received. Thanks to everyone who’s here and experiencing it with me. Here’s to the next 10 years!