“Money rules the world.”

No. Value exchange rules the world.

Money is only one facet of what I refer to as ‘value’ here. It’s a concrete and simple way of quantifying value, but not the entirety in itself.

People value wisdom, experience, and anything that helps them reach their goals or survive. Physical energy, as provided by calories is a form of value.

So who are we to even begin to assume what defines value? It can flow from store to store in the same way as energy, and it takes energy to do so. Yet, because of perspective, context and differing situations, you can create relative value. You can destroy it too.

If you distribute value intelligently, you’ll receive greater value in another form. This is how the richest in the world have accumulated so much wealth.

You’re not required to receive value in the form of money either. You will receive more of the other value forms as well if you can distribute value on a larger scale than the value (often energy) you’ve put in.

This way, you can slowly manipulate reality to make it what you want. Achieving success can be challenging, with setbacks and limited returns, but using the privilege of life on this planet provides the energy to do so.

Figure out how to magnify the value you provide and you’ll have the world at your feet.