I know it’s been hectic the last couple of weeks, with me yanking you around from website to website, as well as between newsletter providers. Now I’ve done some thinking and come up with a proper strategy.
I’ll cover what the strategy is later in this issue. But first, why did I change?
Since the launch of PARAZETTEL, I’ve known that the next purpose I needed to work towards was to create a content system. This system would gain subscribers to the newsletter and eyes upon the work that I was doing in one central location.
This is why I’ve been working so hard on building a website as well as upgrading the newsletter recently. I desired a long-term solution that would let me set up a consistent system for writing and sharing that writing with people.
There’s advice that says you should work on your business as well as in it, and I hadn’t been following it. Once I took a step back to assess the state of my writing and distribution, I found it easy to decide what and where I was going to be publishing.
This practice has created a lot more clarity on what I’m going to post and where. As a result, you’re going to be receiving a lot more value from me on a more regular basis from now on.
You must be wondering - what is the new content strategy? How does it work?
Everything centres on my new website that I built for Fundamentalised - fundamentalised.com. I’ll post all the content I write in this central location, making navigating between work much easier. I’ll still share my pieces to various social channels, such as X and LinkedIn, as well as post some original content there too.
This newsletter’s going to serve more as an actual newsletter rather than an extension of my article-writing exploits. Every Friday I’ll give you an insight into what I’ve been working on that week, as well as mentioning all the pieces I’ve written and including content that I’ve consumed recently and recommend.
That way, the newsletter is still a valuable list to subscribe to. If you don’t want to go chasing me around different social platforms trying to find my newest work, I’ll curate it every Friday.
This issue is the first example of what you’re going to get - this first section is a quick update about what I’ve learned through living life in the past week. Now, I’m going to move on to giving you a quick outline of what I’ve written this week, ending with notes and recommendations.
Let me know what you think of this new newsletter style, and check out fundamentalised.com. The site’s still a work in progress right now, but it’s going to be up and running soon.
Thanks for continuing to read Fundamentalised, we’ll talk next Friday. Let me know what you think of this new format by replying.
What I’ve written this week…
Thinking about overthinking - A short piece about balancing analysis with action effectively.
Who owns your desires? - Become happier by working towards your own goals rather than towards the goals of others.
The problem with bro-text - How to make sure you don’t sound like an amateur when you write.
The short-form content paradox - Why short-form writing is not given enough recognition for what it really is.
A few shorter pieces about some more abstract topics this week. There was a lot of wondering about how the mind works, along with much contemplating how I was going to run this newsletter.
Click the above links if you want to view the pieces on the Fundamentalised website.
What I’ve read this week…
100 Ways To Live Better - I was recommended this article in Ali Abdaal’s Sunday Snippets newsletter. The piece is an entertaining list of 100 different ways you can improve your life - worth a read if you’re looking for something light but helpful.
Thanks for reaching the end of the issue! I hope you continue to enjoy this new style of Fundamentalised. See you next week…