055 • A few short thoughts from my first time travelling
Hey again, As you might know, I’ve been travelling around a lot recently for the first time since late 2018 (I was 15 back then so it doesn’t truly count either). I’ve learned a thing or two from the more recent experiences. For a bit of a change, today I’m going to be sharing these thoughts in a short list format. Here we go… The best experiences are those in between what you think will be the main moments - the person you meet over dinner at the hostel, the quiet side street you find yourself on whilst exploring. You don’t make much progress on your work when you’re moving around. The only way is to find some time to settle down for more than a couple of days to fit in some time for an undisturbed few hours. Try out the things you’d do normally - hit the gym, find a coffee shop to work in, sit and read a book in the park. The fact that you’re in a different place will add a new texture to the experience. Write about what you’ve done and how you felt whilst doing it. Memories inevitably fade and it will be nice to look back on what you thought in the moment some years in the future. Getting roaring drunk is pretty similar wherever in the world you do it. Treat with caution because you’ll be wandering around aimlessly the day after too. Lots of people speak English but try to learn a word or two in the local language to show some respect for the culture. I’m not a frequent flyer, so not the most qualified person to be listening to. What I am is a new traveller so I’m experiencing all of this for the first time. ...