If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it.

Unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don’t do it. — Charles Bukowski

What is Fundamentalised?

The publication started as a newsletter back when I was writing regularly on Medium, sharing my ideas about productivity, creativity and living a fulfilled lifestyle with my audience there.

Back then all I knew was that I was supposed to capture emails from those reading my work. There was no idea where I was going to take things with writing online.

The newsletter was simply an extension of my article-writing endeavours. The content I was sharing with subscribers was indistinguishable from the other stuff I was sharing more widely on other platforms.

Now, luckily, I have a lot more clarity on these things. Since segregating my business writing, which has stayed over on Medium, where my audience for that content reads, I’ve brought the newsletter over here to Substack.

For a while, I had a whole personal blog website running on WordPress that I used to share all my work but seeing as I’m heading into the last year of university imminently I thought better of maintaining this and moved back to the platform decidedly more headache-free to keep the onus on writing rather than maintaining a system.

So what do I write about?

It varies. This newsletter has become an outlet for my more personal and informal writing that I’ve been wanting to get out there simply because I think they’re good ideas.

The name Fundamentalised sets it out as well as anything (and yes I’m from the UK so it is Fundamentalised with an S not a Z) - I believe the value to be found in life comes from doing a few things (fundamentals) well. There’s also the idea that the best way to tackle a more complicated problem is to break it down into constituent parts, so that it’s ‘Fundamentalised’ if you will.

So I share insights into whatever I’m trying to Fundamentalise at the time of writing, adding useful links to the other work I’ve published over the week as well as links to things I’ve consumed and found useful or interesting.

Thanks for being here!

— Theo

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Reversing entropy, mastering life's fundamentals


Serial creator - writing, photography, videography