Time for an update…
As the majority of those reading this newsletter will know, I’ve been writing on Medium for over half a year.
I’d started to earn a decent side income from the habit, but everything changed recently.
Medium altered the way they calculate the earnings for creators, and this nuked my income from the platform…
I’m talking around $30 per day to around $0.30. I’m not joking.
My income became a hundredth of what it was before this change was implemented.
I’m not worried though, because I have you.
A reader of my newsletter. Not part of a rented audience, but someone who genuinely cares about my expertise and the value that I give to them.
Thanks for being here!
It’s because of all 140+ of you that I’ve kept this newsletter alive, to provide tips about content creation and productivity every Friday for the last three months.
You’ve made a good choice to be here now as things are about to get even better for my subscribers.
Because I’m no longer as incentivised to post often on Medium (I’ll still be writing a couple of longer-form posts per week), I’ll be upping the standard of quality and frequency of these emails to twice per week.
This is an exciting period of growth for us, reader and writer.
Instead of pumping out similar articles about Obsidian every day, I’m going to take this as an opportunity to explore some more topics of growth, writing some more entertaining and interesting content for you all…
(I know a lot of you are here for productivity, PKM and content creation advice though, so I’m not going to be straying far from these topics)
I’m also working on some other special projects. This includes being in talks for another podcast appearance and having a pitch of mine accepted for Collider’s September issue, which I’m currently working on.
You’re going to see more regular emails from me now, so keep your eyes peeled next Tuesday/Wednesday (haven’t quite figured out which yet).
Adapt and overcome.
Thanks again for being here.
See you early next week…