Two months of building my product PARAZETTEL have come to a close.

You can download the vault now on its website…


A quote from the Twitter post that I shared to welcome the product sums it up…

“You’ve cultivated this dedication towards a set outcome for a long period of time. Then the day you think you’ve been longing for and striving for comes around. You’re done! The project’s finished… Now what? Again, chaos descends and we must re-orientate so that we have new goals and pursuits to provide order and purpose in our actions.”

Although I’ve completed something I was working towards for months, it doesn’t feel like something to be celebrated.

It’s like my birthday when I was younger - I was excited beforehand, but when the day rolled around it was somewhat anticlimactic. I remained the same.

My life was more fulfilling whilst my days were full of activities to get me closer and closer to the goal of releasing the product.

Now they’re somewhat chaotic, without much structure or an overarching purpose driving the activities that I’m doing.

But I don’t mind.

A realisation that I came to recently and that I touched upon in the post above was that you’re going to have new experiences your whole life.

This is by building, creating, winning failing and improving.

You simply have to readjust once one endeavour is complete, aiming for a new goal.

Don’t attach yourself to outcomes. If you can, organise your projects and choose to work on things that give you enjoyment during the process. Don’t remain dependent upon a particular outcome.

Imagine if I didn’t like the work I was doing to get the product ready for release. I’d have hated the process and gotten to where I am now, where the chaos has developed, leading to a sense of uncertainty.

This would have made me regretful of how I chose to spend my time.

As it stands, I am seeing sales in my inbox by the hour. But it wouldn’t have mattered either way because I enjoyed the process of building the product.

This is because I understood the most sustainable way to make income online - to work on something you enjoy. Through this, I could work through the days when the outcomes weren’t what expected.

Enjoy the process and over time, you’ll beat someone who’s working solely for the results. Every. Single. Time.

I just want to take a moment to thank you for the support that I’ve seen across the internet recently…

  • I launched a digital product for the first time this morning and it’s been so well received,
  • My 250th follower on Twitter came through as I was writing this issue,
  • This newsletter has recently crossed 150 subscribers,
  • I hit 700 Medium followers yesterday

I know I’ve just said to detach from results and outcomes, but milestones bring with them a good opportunity to thank everyone (it’s hard to say ‘thanks for 659 Medium followers’…).

My worldview has changed significantly since the start of May, in only four months, and you are in no small part responsible for this.

I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing, providing value to everyone in as many ways as I possibly can.

Connect with me! I’ll reply to replies on this email, Twitter DMs, anywhere you can get hold of me, I’m listening.

Thank you.