Welcome back to Fundamentalised,

A month and a half ago, I launched my first ever digital product on the internet. I called it PARAZETTEL, a demo vault for the app that I use to take notes, create content and manage my projects - Obsidian.

The launch was amazing - you all gave so much support and encouragement through reading my content, supporting it and of course purchasing.

Now, I’m relaunching. But this wasn’t a decision that I took lightly - the product seemed in the right place and I didn’t want to change that. However, after receiving some feedback on points to improve, I’ve decided to relaunch, new and improved, as PARAZETTEL V2.

Before making this decision, I was not sure how I was going to continue to monetise my online brand. In the future, I’d like to go into ghostwriting but at the moment it doesn’t seem like a good idea.

University takes up a lot of my time with studying and spending time with people. PARAZETTEL itself was built over the summer whilst I had a free house for months at a time.

Another new endeavour - ghostwriting, for example - would need the same amount of solitude to focus on completing the goal.

Thus I’m iterating something I already know has the potential to be a successful product. This is the lesson of today’s newsletter - sometimes you don’t have to start anew, just build upon what you know already works. This is great advice when you already have things going on, without the time to invest in becoming proficient in a completely new skill.

I hope that you’re going to get even more out of this product now than you did at the time of launch! Sign up for the PARAZETTEL mailing list now and you’ll receive a discount for the product when we go live shortly…


What I’ve written this week…

Low-Budget Digital Product Launch Stack - How I earned $1000 in one weekend with zero previous experience.

The above is a roundup of the tools I used during the original PARAZETTEL launch. If you’re into building online you might enjoy reading! I’ll have to make an updated version after this second launch.