Here’s the thing…
I launched my product PARAZETTEL V2 today, and although this issue’s going to serve as a pitch of sorts, I wanted to add some value. So I’m going to talk about remixing.
Now when you hear the word remixing, you likely think of music. That’s certainly where the term is the most prevalent.
But remixing is more than producing a song.
Remixing is one of the most common forms of creativity. It’s very hard to have a completely original idea. More common a creative feat is to remix. To take one or more pre-existing things and turn them into something that’s never been seen before.
Even people we consider revolutionary need to ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’…
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. To myself, I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lay undiscovered before me." — Sir Isaac Newton
And standing on the shoulders of greats is what I’ve done when creating PARAZETTEL.
I haven’t attempted to forge into the unknown and create something completely untested.
Although you can do this and still be successful, the hit rate is a lot lower. You have a lot higher chance of building something that people can’t find value from. Often this high level creativity is not required for effective innovation.
In the context of PARAZETTEL, I took inspiration from the two most powerful note-taking systems. The PARA Method and Zettelkasten join to become even more powerful than either single solution, and applicable to many use cases.
This power comes from the contrast and limitations of the two systems I used as inspiration.
The PARA Method keeps you inside a single folder per-project which is great when you need to focus on achieving that defined outcome.
It makes sure you’re not distracted and directionless. The content of your notes in this system can be in any format however, so it’s good for catching everything that’s relevant.
But, there’s limited scope for creative thinking because other notes are inaccessible, filed in other folders.
That’s where the Zettelkasten comes in. In Luhmann’s system the constraints are the opposite of what they are in PARA. You have unlimited possible links to make between notes, making navigation and divergent thinking very easy.
On the other hand, all your notes in this system have to follow a relatively similar structure. They must be atomic, short blocks of text talking about a completely independent idea.
The fusion of these two systems allows you to play to the advantages of both methods when it’s convenient for you. You can be productive, focusing on product folders, or you can be creative, following idea links in your Zettelkasten.
It’s up to you.
That’s why remixing is the best way forward. Taking something that works already and using a little inspiration means you come up with a tested idea that has creative flair.
Treat PARAZETTEL the same way I did BASB and the Zettelkasten. Don’t adhere to it strictly, but instead learn from it, take it on board and use it as inspiration for your own remix.
Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll share your own remix with the world as I am doing.
If you want to check out the product you can do so here…
Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next Friday, as always.
What I’ve read this week…
I’ve been enjoying a couple of new newsletters recently, so I’m going to share them in this issue…
Olly Richards - Olly built a very successful education business, and this newsletter is always packed with value.
Workspaces - A newsletter showing the desks and working environments of freelancers and entrepreneurs. Great inspiration not just from a décor perspective but from a ‘living life on your terms’ perspective too.