Note - it took me longer than expected to get this issue out. I’ll explain at the end of the scheduled post as to why…

Hi again,

I’m writing this on the coach heading back from uni in Sheffield to my family in Bristol for the Easter holidays.

It’s a four-hour journey, so I’ve got plenty of time to get this issue sorted, which is a good thing because I’ve got a bit of news to share this week.

Ever since the start of 2023, I’ve been creating stuff to share with people on the internet, but for the first time yesterday, I met a group of people online, in person (if you call via video in person).

The event was a workshop that I’d been promoting, where I talked about the three stages that I use to capture inspiration, nurture ideas and create content.

And I absolutely didn’t want to host it at first.

You see, when it came to writing, at least I had a little bit of experience with doing it every day at school and then at university.

However, with teaching and presenting things, I was a bit clueless. I hadn’t done much of this in the past, content with being the student rather than the teacher.

But I sucked it up and pushed through the short feeling of discomfort that I got right at the start of the call was temporary.

What I know will be a permanent memory, however, is seeing the appreciation of the workshop during its presentation as well as after I’d finished. The nods and smiles that I got when I was giving explanations in the workshop were special to see.

It also boggled my mind slightly to hear, live, how people had taken on PARAZETTEL and were now using it in their lives.

Seeing all of this, in person, added a new dimension to the ideas that I’m sharing here online. A whole dimension I’d never seen before.

And I want to link this back to the idea that we benefit hugely from human connection. It’s easy to see who you’re impacting if you have a business in the physical world that sells services and goods in a way that links you to your customers.

It’s harder to see who you’re impacting in the digital world. And it was something that I’d overlooked until I connected with a small portion of my audience in real life last Friday.

So leave a comment - I’d love to get to know the people who are powering this creativity journey of mine because I’m so grateful for you all.

P.S. Over the weekend I was working on getting the recording of the workshop sorted so that everyone could watch it for free. If you want to see a snippet then head over to this video on my YouTube channel before deciding to sign up. If you’re already sure you want the full recording, head to this page to get access.

What I’ve written this week…

The 3 Most Common Reasons I Hit Productivity Ruts + What I Do About Them - A shorter piece about removing the bottlenecks to effective work.