I’ve been almost completely silent on the internet since you last heard from me.

That’s for a couple of reasons…

  1. I came back to university for an intense, 1-week module where I and a small group of others wrote, shot and produced a science film in five days. So that took up the daytime during the week.
  2. I’ve been spending the nights and other spare time building probably the biggest update to Fundamentalised since I started writing the newsletter.

This upgrade is a brand-new, WordPress-based website for all of my content across the internet!

You can check it out at fundamentalised.com.

A few things to keep in mind around this website first though…

  • It’s unfinished. But in the spirit of building in public, I’ve made it available for everyone to check out. Please expect things to potentially not work as planned for a couple of weeks.
  • It doesn’t contain any of my content except my first ever Medium article at the moment (not counting the placeholder articles). Moving the content from all my platforms across to the site is going to be a drag so bear with me for a while. There will be plenty of content to read on there in due time.
  • Please don’t sign up in the ConvertKit form that you see on the front of the site. That’s where I’ll be managing the newsletter going forward. If you’re reading this you’re likely already subscribed and I’ll add you to the new platform before I send out next week’s issue.

That’s it from me this week, I’m afraid (I’d write a little more but it’s one in the morning right now and I’m a little sleep-deprived). I’ve been snowed under with all the work on new projects and haven’t had any time to create new content for you to enjoy.

Soon there will be more for you all to read on a brand-new custom website though! I’m excited for the future, and as always, thanks for sticking with me to experience it!

— Theo