Last week I announced for the first time - my new WordPress website for all my writing on the internet.
I’ve been working to add my past content onto the site, but it’s a drag. So I’m breaking it down into uploading ~10 pieces of content per day so that I have time for other things too (I still have university deadlines to meet).
Keep checking the website though because there will be new stuff up there to read daily. I’m starting with all my old content too, so if you’re someone who’s discovered my work only recently then you can check it out to see how I used to write back when I first started publishing online.
In other words, I’m going to try and write a lot more going forward. I mentioned in last week’s issue that I had projects for my university course that were taking up a lot of time, but I don’t think that this is an excuse. Even if it’s just a short-form tweet, I should try and ship something.
Of course there’s a balance to be struck between quality and quantity, but I’m always taken back to an idea I believe I heard from Ed Sheeran - creativity’s like a water pipe, you have to flush the rubbish that’s blocking the pipe before the clear water can run through.
I intend to do this by making a habit of writing. Because even now, at the point I’ve gotten to from almost a year of writing newsletters, I struggle to share work. So that’s going to change.
And seeing as the website is where I’m going to be publishing things from now on, this email list is the best place for you to stay and get updated about everything I’m doing
There have been many changes to Fundamentalised recently, without much content creation. But I appreciate everyone’s patience because, with the new website and new email provider, I’m taking steps to make sure that all my traffic is my own.
That’s it from me this week - expect some more writing and another newsletter issue this coming weekend.
– Theo
P.S. We’re on ConvertKit again now, this time for the foreseeable future, considering the website upgrade. I was never truly satisfied with anything that I created before this setup, from beehiiv to ConvertKit (without personal site) to Substack. But I feel really good about where things are now, so you can expect future emails to look like this.
Saying this, I’d recommend you add this email to your primary inbox or save the address as a contact so that new issues don’t end up in spam. Thanks!
What I’ve read this week…
I’ve been working through Morgan Housel’s The Psychology of Money. What’s very impressive about Morgan’s writing is how every point that’s made has an interesting real-life story that demonstrates it. I need to find time to check out his episode on David Perell’s podcast because I believe he talks more about how he does this.
What I shared to the new website this week…
I’m going to add some of my favourite old posts to this section of the newsletter as I upload them each week. Have a look if any of them catch your fancy…
How Digital Minimalism Will Change Your Life - Much of my progress in writing online has come from improving my habits surrounding the internet. This piece was one of the first I wrote on this topic.
How To Quit A Digital Task Management System To Start Bullet Journaling - This piece is about how I started to take more physical notes, reducing the overwhelm I used to feel with the tasks building up in my digital inboxes.