Since around the start of 2022, I’ve made daily notes/journaled in some capacity, recording the happenings and feelings of my life as it happens.

And the other day I looked through some of these journals, especially the ones made around a year ago and earlier.

What I came across surprised me. Although I feel as though life has progressed in lots of different ways in the last year, the problems that I was coming across in my journal were very similar at their core to the ones I still experience.

This made me realise the deeper meaning of the name of this publication when I chose it. Rather than improving on many different levels, I believe that focusing on solving the most painful and recurring problems in your life will provide outsized results.

These are the fundamentals. The basic areas you always need to focus on improving if you want to make your life better.

I’ll give some examples I found from my journals…

  • Screen distractions are always up at the top of the list of things I struggle to control, even though I’ve been making progress for a number of years that started with removing computer games. These days it’s social media, new software and shiny new tools with good marketing that catch my attention when I should be focusing on just writing or building.
  • I don’t have a set of constraints and rules when it comes to spending my money (as I mentioned in last week’s issue) and this is something I’ve been struggling with on a low level for a long time.
  • Overthinking and becoming too caught up in writing about things that don’t matter on a wider scale. I’ve always been someone who thinks too much and ironically it’s something that plagues a lot of my journal entries.

All this review of my previous writing has led to is a further determination to narrow down on the things that I’m trying to improve and solve. More than ever I believe that there are few things we truly need to prioritise to fulfil ourselves and live a life Fundamentalised.

– Theo

What I’ve written this week…

I’ve been promising some more short pieces of writing and now it’s finally time to deliver with the first of these.

This is a short look into a few pointers I’ve given myself to try and stay on track, especially for the next 12 months during which I transition from university to the real world.

Last week’s issue (video cut)…

Read the issue - 068 • Becoming more ‘stylish’