I’ve been building and launching PARAZETTEL V3 for the whole of this week and this has come with little problems and issues that I have to be on my toes to fix.

But there’s no worry about there, as I’m not aiming for a perfect launch - I’m aiming for a launch that gets the product to people to help them work on their own things.
And as of today, two out of three days in, it’s done just that.

Common is the idea that ‘perfection doesn’t exist’. Of course, it’s all in the eye of the beholder but if you keep this idea in mind, it’s encouraging relating to making progress.

There’s no need to be upset if something doesn’t turn out exactly the way you want. Something not being consistent with what you wanted to happen is simply a data point. A data point you can use to push yourself toward creating a better result.

If you never received negative data points you’d never know whether there was progress to be made - with negative feedback at least you know you’re getting better if you don’t notice the same thing going wrong in the future.

That’s the key. The goal is not perfection, it’s putting one metaphorical foot in front of the other, whatever your mission might be.

Let’s quickly address what inspired this issue…

I’ve been developing PARAZETTEL V3 recently and this weekend was the official launch.
The update adds to all of the PARA Method and Zettelkasten content and theory in one specific way - to help you bring the system to your mobile.

I’ve been spending the last few months using Obsidian on mobile myself and more recently I found myself in a spot to share what pointers I’ve learned, realising it would make a great update for PARAZETTEL.

So if making the most of the device you carry in your pocket every day is something you’re interested in, head to this page below to sneak in and get a discount in the last six hours of the weekend


Talk next week,

– Theo

Last week’s issue (video cut)…

Read the issue - 065 • The real reason I film YouTube newsletter issues each week