Hello again,
This week’s issue is going to be about the evident decision to move my newsletter writing back to Substack.
Here’s the lowdown on the change…
- This is intended to be for the foreseeable future - I give a bit more detail on what I picture as a goal for the future later in the issue
- I’m going to take videos down from YouTube and hold them here on Substack in each week’s issue instead
- This is where I’m going to post personal pieces and newsletter issues from now on, rather than the Fundamentalised website
- The newsletters will look and read the same as they always do and I won’t send emails for new essays, meaning I’ve still got work to share in the ‘What I’ve written this week…’ section that you haven’t seen yet
- The fundamentalised.com domain now points to this publication rather than the old website, so original links should still work. I’ll go through all the issues and change the ones that need updating though.
The reason for doing this right now is because Fundamentalised is something that doesn’t earn me money - it’s really just for me to write because I love writing.
Substack promotes this more than running my own platform does for a few reasons…
It’s everything that I’ve been doing so far rolled into one. I’ll be able to share posts, post video issues and send emails every week without having to turn to WordPress, ConvertKit and YouTube all in the same afternoon. There’s a lot of power in these tools I’ve been using but perhaps too much overwhelm for where I am with Fundamentalised’s journey right now.
I just want to be able to create something, press publish and share it with many people without juggling setting up all the distribution.
Even though I’ve moved on, I still largely agree with what I laid out in the piece ‘Why I built a personal website in the age of social media dominance’. Still, the problem is that I’m going into a period of intense study and focus at university. If I were to continue juggling writing and paying for a personal website and many other platforms to help me do so, I wouldn’t have gotten very far in real creation.
Instead, all my time would be caught up in wondering which plugins to use in the website, changing its design and signing up for monthly plugin subscriptions, trying to keep the infrastructure working. I’m ready to leave that to the team behind Substack.
That is for now at least. The way I see myself in the future is as a creator of many things - written media, visual media, products and more, with a single personal website under my own name that exhibits it all in one place.
There are a few challenges ahead that I need to simplify things to make my way past. So, focusing on the near future rather than the distant, I’ll keep trying to write about things that interest me.
Thank you for reading and sticking by me on this ever-changing journey.
— Theo
Last week’s issue (video cut)…
Read the issue - 066 • Perfection shouldn’t be the goal